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The flexibility of our classes work well with busy schedules and allow you to focus on what you really need to learn. 

Your Birth Essentials Class

$350 (+tax)


A comprehensive class for those looking for a positive and personalized learning environment focused on late pregnancy, labor, comfort measures, pain management, delivery and the immediate postpartum period. This class is detailed and is customized to your needs and interests.


Included in this class:

  • One (1) four (4) hour session in the learning environment of your choice

  • Discuss processes related to the end of your pregnancy and what you can expect. We explore the phases and stages of labor, options for pain management, information about your specific place of delivery, expectations for their staff and support levels, delivery options and information, support for your immediate postpartum needs, and so much more!

  • A workbook for you to keep and use for future reference

  • A Mini-Doula bag - a collection of items that I recommend taking to the hospital that help with finding comfort.

  • Information for your support partner! I highly encourage their attendance!

  • Email and text support for childbirth education questions or concerns


Service Area

Located in Melfort, SK.

Serving families from Northeast Saskatchewan.

Several photos featured on this site are courtesy of Jade Lauren Photography. 

Support for all families

© 2022 Confident Beginnings Birth Services

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